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      wireless fire alarm


      Wired Vs Wireless Fire Alarms: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

      Ensuring the safety of your business is paramount, and choosing the right fire alarm system plays a crucial role in achieving maximum security. Here at Sygma, we are experts in fire alarm system design, installation and maintenance. In this detailed guide, we will explore the nuances of wired vs wireless fire alarm systems to help you make the best decision for your business.


      Key differences between Wired and Wireless Fire Alarm Systems 

      Wired fire alarms are interconnected by wiring and act as an early warning system. They typically have a high reliability and signal integrity rate and are ideal for larger buildings. One of the main considerations of wired fire alarms vs wireless fire alarms is that wired alarms usually have longer set-up times compared to wireless alarms and could potentially disrupt your business during the installation process. 

      Wireless fire alarm systems function the same way as wired alarm systems, just without the physical wires. The sensors and detectors inside the alarm are linked via wireless radio technology. Wireless fire alarms can be installed quickly and cause minimal disruption. The main consideration of a wireless alarm system would be monitoring the battery life and ensuring that there is no signal interference.


      Coverage and Flexibility

      Coverage and scaleability are critical factors impacting the effectiveness of your fire alarm system in safeguarding your business. 

      Wired systems, designed with specific zones or circuits, may require additional wiring for large or complex properties. Expanding a wired system can be challenging and costly, making them less flexible for businesses anticipating layout or operational changes.

      On the other hand, wireless fire alarm systems eliminate the need for extensive cabling. This inherent flexibility allows for easy scaleability, making wireless systems suitable for businesses expecting future expansions or modifications.


      Reliability and Signal Integrity 

      When evaluating the reliability and signal integrity of wireless vs wireless fire alarm systems, practical considerations include:

      Environment: Assess if wired or wireless systems are more suitable for challenging environments with heavy machinery, electronic interference, or signal blocking materials. 

      Battery management: Establish a rigorous battery management and maintenance schedule for wireless systems to ensure ongoing reliability. Consultation with experts, like Sygma, can help you make the right decision for your unique circumstances. 

      System Quality: Choose a reputable fire alarm system provider offering high-quality components to impact reliability positively. 

      Professional installation: Regardless of the system type, professional installation is crucial to minimise the risk of signal issues. Contact Sygma today to arrange a free consultation and quote. 

      Regular Testing: Conduct regular system testing and maintenance to promptly address reliability or signal integrity issues.


      Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Considering Ease of Monitoring and Upkeep

      Ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting are essential for the continued reliability and effectiveness of your fire alarm system. 

      Wired Systems Considerations:

      Regular maintenance checks should be conducted on fire alarms. According to the BS 5839 fire safety standard, fire alarms should be inspected by a qualified professional at least every six months. 

      Wired systems offer straightforward inspection and maintenance with the physical connections making it easier to identify any issues. It is also worth noting that components such as smoke detectors and control panels are robust with a longer lifespan.

      Wireless Systems Considerations:

      Reliance on wireless fire alarm systems or battery powered components requires regular checks and replacements. Fortunately, modern batteries have a decent life expectancy. A fire alarm system’s batteries can last for around three years or even longer.

      It is worth noting that wireless fire alarm systems have the potential for complex troubleshooting due to signal interference. However, monitoring software can also simplify maintenance tasks with real-time alerts and diagnostics.

      Practical considerations:

      Professional maintenance visits are recommended for both wired and wireless fire alarm systems, however, it is vital that the staff members responsible for system monitoring receive proper training so that your business is fully protected at all times.

      At Sygma, we recommend regularly testing the signal strength and communication between wireless devices and to maintain detailed records of maintenance and troubleshooting activities for streamlined future efforts.


      Cost Considerations: Comparing the Expenses of Wired vs Wireless Fire Alarms 

      When deciding between wired vs wireless fire alarms, cost is a significant factor impacting both upfront and long term budgets. 

      Wired fire alarm systems are typically more affordable than newer, tech- enabled wireless systems. However, the installation of the system is almost always more expensive due to cabling, equipment and labour costs. Costs can also increase should the fire alarm system need to be replaced. 

      A wireless fire alarm system relies on more modern technology and is typically more expensive. However, the cost of installing wireless fire alarms is much less compared to wired systems. Repairs are also potentially less expensive  than wired options as the process if much less intrusive. On the other hand, a wireless fire alarm system has more batteries that need to be replaced over time and this could be costly.

      Sygma can:

      • Assess budget limitations for both upfront installation and ongoing maintenance
      • Consider the size and layout of the property for scalability advantages of wireless systems 
      • Factor in the cost implications of future expansions or modifications. 
      • Calculate long term cost projections for maintenance, device replacements, and updates 
      • Prioritise reliability and safety, ensuring cost effectiveness does not compromise overall system performance


      Compatibility and Integration

      Ensuring seamless compatibility and integration with other building systems is critical for overall safety and efficiency of your business.

      Wired systems offer extensive integration possibilities, interconnected with security, access control, and HVAC systems. They also allow for more customisation in integration to meet specific needs. However, their complex design and installation process may require more planning and this can potentially lead to higher costs. 

      Wireless systems may have more limited integration options focussing on fire alarm functionality. Whilst these wireless systems can still be integrated with existing building systems, but these could be more basic.

      The benefits of choosing wireless fire alarm system are that they offer simpler installation and configuration and are ideal for smaller properties or situations where basic integration is needed. However, some wireless systems may face compatibility challenges, necessitating careful planning and potential additional equipment.

      Sygma can:

      • Assess the requirements of other building systems you wish to integrate with your fire alarm system 
      • Consider ease of configuration and the complexity of programming for integration
      • Provide solutions based on your budget and scope of the integration project
      • Consider scalability for future expansions or system upgrades
      • Ensure integrated systems comply with relevant safety and building codes, along with local regulations 


      Compliance with Safety Standards 

      Compliance with fire safety standards is crucial for the safety of your business, covering aspects such as detection sensitivity, audible and visual alarms, monitoring and maintenance, and emergency response procedures. 

      Having a fully operational fire alarm is a regulatory requirement for premises that need them, which is why regular testing is important. The guidance to test weekly comes from British Standard BS 5839. This the standard that the UK government recommends should be followed with regards to fire alarm maintenance.

      According to the BS 5839 fire safety standard, both wired and wireless fire alarm systems should be inspected by a trained professional every six months. Also, fire alarm tests must be done every week by the fire marshal as well as a fire evacuation drill, annually. 


      Making the Decision

      Making the right choice for your commercial property’s fire alarm system is pivotal to the safety of your business. Sygma has the experience to help you make the right decision for your unique circumstances. Speak to a member of our team today to arrange a free survey and quotation.